[錄取] 弱GRE&GPA GWU/WUSTL/Rochester/George

代PO 標題過長被咖掉 標題:[錄取] 弱GRE&GPA GWU/WUSTL/Rochester/Georgetown/ UIC/UTD/UCONN MSBA 上個禮拜順利拿到美簽才覺得一切都塵埃落定, 雖然背景普通,但還是有順利進入自己 喜歡的學校,希望我的經驗能鼓勵到正在申請途中的夥伴們!

「代Po」詳情請見連結 Two fully funded PhD fellowships of 3 years (possible extension) are available as part of the CONSENSE training network (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020, Marie Skdowska- Curie Innovative Training Networks) at the Department of Chemical Biology (Prof. Kai Johnsson) of the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg. The CONSENSE network aims at the development of biosensors for continous monitoring in healthcare applications. The objectives for the PhD students in the group of Prof. Kai Johnsson will be the engineering of new biosensors and biomolecular nanoswitches. https://www.mr.mpg.de/14507080/job_full_offer_16677917?c=44181※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (瑞士) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1617997785.A.323.html

chxx: 離開瑞士囉? 04/10 04:22