各位海外工作的前輩好 最近有面試到一份日本的工作 想知道這樣的條件是否適合去日本生活 目前的背景是: 小弟今年將滿35,家庭成員有老婆、女兒兩歲半、還再肚子裡的約三個月
[亞洲] 日本半導體材料研發offer請益
【公司簡介】 PayPay – 日本大型線上支付系統,在2018年由Softbank 集團跟yahoo Japan 共同出資成 立。目前的使用者人數已經突破3500萬人。PayPay 採用印度最大支付公司Paytm的技術 ,正逐步擴展在日本的線上支付服務市佔率。在PayPay,這裡匯集了來自35國以上的優秀 工程師,共1000多位員工,採取『Working From Anywhere』工作模式,您可以在日本各 地選擇自己喜歡的地方遠端工作,不管是北海道、東京、大阪、沖繩或是九州,都能夠自 由移動、充分體驗日本生活! 【職缺介紹】 < Backend engineer> https://job.connectiu.com/en/plus/job/PJ00020563/details ‧ Design large scale systems with high complexity to support our high throughput applications.E Understand how to leverage infrastructure for solving such large scale problems.E Develop tools and contribute to open source wherever possible.E Adopt problem solving as a way of life – always go to root cause! Support the code you write in production. < iOS Engineer> https://job.connectiu.com/en/plus/job/PJ00020564/details ‧ Work closely with our product team to customize the payment experience ‧ Prototype new and redesign features ‧ Focus on UI/UX design principles and product driven development ‧ Work with an elite and focused team of app developers <Android Engineer > https://job.connectiu.com/en/plus/job/PJ00020565/details ‧ Work closely with our product team to customize the payment experience ‧ Prototype new and redesign features ‧ Focus on UI/UX design principles and product driven development ‧ Work with an elite and focused team of app developers 【薪水】 年薪參考值會是700萬日幣~1000萬日幣左右 實際會依工作經驗跟技術為核薪考量 【工作地點】 只要在日本就行。 可以選擇在東京總部上班,也可以在沖繩遠端工作(下班就可以開車去海邊度假了) 【語言能力】 具備英語溝通程度即可,不需要日語 【專業能力】 < Backend engineer> ‧ Experience in using Java under professional environment, or if you are non-Java user, excellent skills in generalized programming languages, such as Scala, Python and Go. ‧ Interest and ability to learn other coding languages as needed. ‧ Experience with NoSQL databases and distributed cache. ‧ Strong fundamentals in data structures, algorithms and object oriented programming. ‧ In-depth understanding of concurrency and distributed computing. < iOS Engineer> ‧ Deep understanding of modern mobile/iOS development ‧ Strong in Object Oriented design, and Swift ‧ Experience with the iOS development ‧ Strong passion for code quality and are not allergic to test cases ‧ Familiarity with integration of Rest API ‧ Strong sense of ownership ‧ At least one mobile app you can show off in the interview ‧ At least 3-5 years of professional experience. < Android Engineer > ‧ Deep understanding of modern mobile development ‧ Strong in Object Oriented design and Kotlin ‧ Experience with the Android development ‧ Strong passion for code quality and are not allergic to test cases ‧ Familiarity with integration of Rest API ‧ Strong sense of ownership ‧ At least one mobile app you can show off in the interview ‧ At least 3-5 years of professional experience. 【應徵流程】 1. 準備英文履歷(剛好會日文也可準備日文履歷) 2. 從網站登錄應徵(請務必上傳履歷,若沒有則無法進行書審) 3. 書審(基本上履歷有寫會coding都會給過) 4. Coding test(三月初舉行,考試時間約1-1.5小時) 5. 第一次面試(線上舉行) 6. 第二次面試 (線上舉行) 7. 最終面試(線上舉行) 8. 發出Offer 這次會以選考會的方式舉行,要招募的名額不會只有一位,只要是優秀的工程師都會盡可 能採用。另外,如果您通過coding test 進到面試階段的話,3場面試將會在一週內舉行 完畢。面試結果最晚會在3月底前公布。所以會比一般的應徵方式機會來得大且效率快。 如果是因為疫情而遲疑的話,公司有都會個別聆聽大家的聲音,盡力為大家做出最合適的 調整。應徵截止日期為2/28(日),還請有興趣的朋友務必在此之前提交履歷。 理想的工作,在PayPay得以實現。 期待收到您的應徵! 由此應徵>>> Backend engineer https://job.connectiu.com/en/plus/job/PJ00020563/details iOS Engineer https://job.connectiu.com/en/plus/job/PJ00020564/details Android Engineer https://job.connectiu.com/en/plus/job/PJ00020565/details — — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (泰國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oversea_Job/M.1614064529.A.DA4.html