‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel ‘Tales of Dunk and Egg’ in Early Development at HBO (EXCLUSIVE) A series adaptation of “Tales of Dunk and Egg,” a prequel to the events of “Game of Thrones,” is in early development at HBO, Variety has learned exclusively from sources.
[新聞] Mnet 'KINGDOM' 相關新聞
媒體名稱:STAR TODAY 新聞連結:https://www.mk.co.kr/star/broadcasting-service/view/2021/01/73720/ 記者姓名:朴世妍 新聞全文: 'KINGDOM'東方神起MC確定-iKON、BTOB、SF9合流討論[綜合]
[新聞] HBO預定"冰與火"七王國的騎士(鄧肯伊戈)
‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel ‘Tales of Dunk and Egg’ in Early Development at HBO (EXCLUSIVE) A series adaptation of “Tales of Dunk and Egg,” a prequel to the events of “Game of Thrones,” is in early development at HBO, Variety has learned exclusively from sources.
[閒聊] This Is Us的爸爸跟Randall
之前我只覺得This Is Us的爸爸 沒有留鬍子的時候更帥更年輕 某天我因為看了史嘉琳老師的演講 老師推薦看Gilmore Girls 就開始追這部
[請益] 看完亞森羅蘋1
無言以對…. 請問之後的手法會更高明嗎? 不然怎麼看不少人推說不錯看? 紙房子應該是近期我比較愛的搶案劇, 雖然 紙 的BUG也不少,
[心得] 《找我經紀人》第4季(雷)
等了超久,果然沒失望! 這一季真的超精彩! 爬文後才發現有網友說是最終季 雖然很不捨,但對應最後一集的發展,確實能呼應 結局非常五味雜陳,不過也很寫實
[心得] Lupin S01E01-05 (雷)
記得國小時,是第一次接觸到羅蘋的小說(虎牙),就滿喜歡的; 到了國中,學校圖書館幾乎有整套(差一本而已,福爾摩斯也是這 樣),那時大概是我人生看最多書的時期了XDD 但比起福爾摩斯真人影視作品,印象羅蘋也有過,但完全不感興 趣;至於這次的影集,看到評價很高,就想來看看,尤其集數不
[新聞] Mnet 'KINGDOM' 相關新聞
媒體名稱:STAR TODAY 新聞連結:https://www.mk.co.kr/star/broadcasting-service/view/2021/01/73720/ 記者姓名:朴世妍 新聞全文: 'KINGDOM'東方神起MC確定-iKON、BTOB、SF9合流討論[綜合]
[新聞] HBO預定"冰與火"七王國的騎士(鄧肯伊戈)
‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel ‘Tales of Dunk and Egg’ in Early Development at HBO (EXCLUSIVE) A series adaptation of “Tales of Dunk and Egg,” a prequel to the events of “Game of Thrones,” is in early development at HBO, Variety has learned exclusively from sources.
[新聞] HBO預定"冰與火"七王國的騎士(鄧肯伊戈)
‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel ‘Tales of Dunk and Egg’ in Early Development at HBO (EXCLUSIVE) A series adaptation of “Tales of Dunk and Egg,” a prequel to the events of “Game of Thrones,” is in early development at HBO, Variety has learned exclusively from sources.