Re: [情報] 免費參加ic設計培訓課程(還可拿獎勵金)

1. 所有錄訓學員均已通知完畢。(如有遺漏請再來信確認) 為確保聯繫順暢,助教有建立訓練課程的line群組。 2. 仍有想要報名的學員,在本週六前仍可報名。 3. 有住宿需求的同學,學校可從週日開始住宿。 4. 有停車需求同學,校內可停車(收費),校外有免費停車位。通勤可搭捷運或泛航。

[公司名稱] CoolBitX [公司網址] [公司地址] 8F, No. 176, Changchun Road, Songshan District Taipei City, Taiwan [公司簡介] CoolBitX, founded in 2014 by Michael Ou, is a Taiwanese FinTech company specializing in manufacturing secure, US patented digital asset hardware and developing smart contract platforms for millions of users. Backed by top VC firms, including SBI Holdings, Midana Capital, OwlTing, Kyber Capital, and Bitmain, CoolBitX has successfully delivered a bridge that will span between the blockchain and widespread public use. Launched in 2016, the first generation CoolWallet showcased the world’s first ever mobile hardware wallet with tens of thousands of units sold. [職位及待遇] 1. Channel Partner (Senior) Specialist 月薪 55k+ 台幣 2. Customer Engineer 月薪 50k+ 台幣 [職位及待遇] 職缺類型不同,避免描述篇幅過長,詳細工作內容請見網站說明。 [工作時間] 符合台灣的勞動法規 [應徵方式] 直接於網站投遞履歷,企業將於第一時間回覆 [其他資訊] == — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: