[閒聊] Wunder 推特

https://twitter.com/wunderlol/status/1574950859250622464We have been playing on between 30-100 fps in every game ever since wearrived in Mexico and RIOT is not resolving the issue so at this point wedidn't have any efficient practice and playing on stage will be the only timewe can have a human setup

實況主遊戲ID: https://i.imgur.com/qbG002B.jpg

伺服器Server:∣KR∣ 實況頻道連結: https://play.afreecatv.com/chyarlmanu/230096578 實況內容簡介: 今天不陪看比賽的歡哥OuO 比賽結束迅速開台XD 正在solo rank! https://images.plurk.com/DuZzOcfnXfkjq4cTJPuxZ.png

吶兒使用中~ 給大家看看歡哥的移動式綠幕哈哈哈哈 https://images.plurk.com/70a6ZD95V8B4mgYWHlNYQp.png

OP.GG MaRin https://goo.gl/rC7wHP YouTube https://reurl.cc/ZOrrz6 歌單 https://goo.gl/6zmRYC 來看歡哥爬分OuO/!!! — 我可以跟在你身後 像影子追著光夢遊 https://i.imgur.com/pnKiJcG.png

The Best Top Laner - MaRin — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1610803278.A.13A.html

c22501656 : 沒T1 就sorry 01/16 21:33
Nishiwaki : 沒T1就不看 是我歡哥OuOb 01/16 21:57