[公告] 九月徵文活動:~感謝有您~

▏▎▍▌▋▊▉「PMGO台服六週年九月徵文活動」 ▊▊▋▌▍▎▏《徵文主題》 寶可夢大師旅途上~感謝有您~《徵文時間》 9/1 00:00 ~ 9/30 23:59《內容概要》 本月主題乃鼓勵板友回顧這六年多來一路上使您願意堅持繼續朝寶可夢大 師旅途前進,最最特別想感謝的人事物,或是一個群組平台、團體都可以




Continuing global events with Pokémon GO Tour: After your enthusiastic
response to Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto last year, we’re bringing the next
iteration — Pokémon GO Tour: Johto — to Trainers on February 26 and 27,
2022. This year, Trainers around the world will be able to play wherever they
are, and Trainers in Monterrey, Mexico, or Kaohsiung, Taiwan, will be able to
participate in live events. Some of the new features for this year’s Poké
mon GO Tour include GO Gym Trainers—each of which is inspired by a
contest-winning Trainer from our community—that you’ll be able to opt in or
out of battling once you’ve faced a certain number of them. This way, you’
ll be able to choose between engaging in more challenging battles or shifting
your focus toward other features of the event. On top of that, there’s new
Masterwork Research featuring Apex Shadow Pokémon.





GO Battle League improvements: First of all, we’d like to sincerely thank
you all for your support of the GO Battle League! We’re always working on
refining the experience, and we’re currently prioritizing a number of
updates and improvements—including urgent bug fixes—that we’ll share more
about in an upcoming Dev Diary. Stay tuned!


Postcard Update: We’re so happy to see you all enjoying the new Postcard
Book feature! We’re working on adding additional functionality, like
notifications, sticker saving, an expanded Gift maximum, new Postcard sorting
methods, and new Postcard notes!


Seasonal Update: We were happy to see that Trainers enjoyed both Hoopa’s
mischief and the mystery of the door Professor Willow discovered. In the
coming Season, we’re looking forward to sharing several seasonal Special
Research stories with you, with a focus on smaller-scale adventures. Stay
tuned for more details on what else we have in store for the next Season!



Community Day Update: The last two years have been hard on us all, and we are
continually exploring ways to enhance the sense of community our Trainers
feel around the world. Our first ever Community Day Classic was one such
experiment, and we’ve also been testing community-hosted events on a smaller
scale. We will continue to explore the concept of Community Day to keep our
events fresh and exciting.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PokemonGO/M.1645658508.A.FE3.html

ice0522: 我覺得道館挑戰還不錯,至少PVE玩家還有多東西可以玩 02/24 08:00
catandfish: 聚焦再升色違率變讓大家滿手異色?感覺不太可能XD 02/24 08:02
bmw3633: 聚焦1小 社群6小 異色量應該差很多啦 02/24 08:07
bmw3633: 而且如果它還限制進化時間到7點的話 一小時要點色違+交換 02/24 08:11
bmw3633: +進化 根本沒幾隻能抓 非常符合短時間密集小規模的定義(X 02/24 08:11
vegafish: 根本沒提到蛋跟時時刻刻,看來「用腦走路」影響真的很大 02/24 08:14
AtDe: 聚焦的色違率現在是多少呀? 02/24 08:40
j022015: 照舊 沒特別高 02/24 08:47
Mistblade: 覺醒力量打不出屬性效果,我回報錯誤20多次,n社理都 02/24 08:53
Mistblade: 不理 02/24 08:53
AAaaron: 一直都希望聚焦時刻提高色違率,不然根本提不起興緻 02/24 09:59
CanvasChen: 先修bug吧… 02/24 10:19
CanvasChen: 下雨動畫好久沒看到了… 🙁 02/24 10:19
frogcty: 還沒拿到的寵物可用團戰免費打,不知道會不會增加吸引力 02/24 10:48
rainlover: 我覺得特殊盃很好,原聯盟都那幾隻強勢角 02/24 13:28
rainlover: 像叢林小小盃也滿刺激的 02/24 13:29
JustinTurner: 遠距團戰邀請顯示一下當地天氣吧…以前只有下雨看 02/25 06:17
JustinTurner: 得出來現在是全部都看不出來 02/25 06:17