[贈送] (give)

1.贈送前請詳看板規1-3規定(站規),違者重罰禁言一年並退文處分。醫療用品(包括 醫療口罩、酒精、傷殘輔具、隱形眼鏡跟盒、棉條)、過期食品(強調可以推肥者除 外或強調不可食用)、0~1歲嬰兒奶粉與其他違反法律物品。 3.禁止指定性別,但女性及私密物品等,可要求出示性別證明(由板主認定)。 4.運費於文摘之外收費方法請詳述,收取任何包材費、雜費、手續費會被板規處置。

身為雙魚座的你,你的動力來自於你的想像力,而且在你的夢中,那些東西看起來是那麼樣的美妙又真實。正是因為這樣。當你努力的想要讓你很想要的一個東西或一件事情在你生命中發生時,就運用你的創造力及想像力吧!因為它們是會成為你的成功中那股推波助瀾的助力,也許你正在掙扎著許下願望並想讓它成真,那就試試看這個方法吧:試著想像你正在電影院看著願望成真後的畫面。擁有正面的想法及態度,就好像你想像的那件事真的發生了一樣!而你也將會看見它在未來的某一天也真的會發生! – Pisces horoscope for Feb 26 2021 As a Pisces, you are driven by your imagination. Even your dreams are vivid and colorful. And so, when you strive to manifest something you want in your life, taking a creative and imaginative approach to it has the potential to bring you the greatest success. If you are struggling with making a wish come true now, try this creative technique: Picture your wish manifesting as though on a giant screen in a movie theater. Think hopeful, happy thoughts as you do, as though it has already happened. You will see that it certainly will! — Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope 這是吸引力法則嗎?最後一天上班,大家撐下去呀! — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1614293939.A.C08.html