[閒聊] Wunder 推特

https://twitter.com/wunderlol/status/1574950859250622464We have been playing on between 30-100 fps in every game ever since wearrived in Mexico and RIOT is not resolving the issue so at this point wedidn't have any efficient practice and playing on stage will be the only timewe can have a human setup

╰(⊙Д⊙)╮佛心公司╭(⊙Д⊙)╯佛心公司 今天剛好是19.8版本 第21天簽到 大家抽到啥麼 分享一下吧= = 另外說 HOW月輪迴剩一個禮拜了喔 (哭啊打錯) — Snow flakes in January Heart warm like February, I wouldn't ordinarily March to the drum, play a fool like April May the best sing in a June recital Power of the will, Julius and Augustus Aw you know, it's just us In a new semester, back in September boy, I wonder if you still remember –Nujabes feat. Shing02 – Luv(sic) Part 4※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ToS/M.1618794660.A.2CD.html

bestrick: 阿……捏……茜……. 04/19 09:11
fantinwei: 金牛= = 04/19 09:14
bingreen: 慌慌,疑似補洞… 04/19 09:21
Killerstreet: 巨蟹 04/19 09:27
tossakite: 寫作 還好之前pass沒抽 04/19 09:44
mitsuhah: 切西亞yeah 04/19 09:59
mihono: 不變的50魂 04/19 10:00
eternallover: 處女-.- 04/19 10:18
garfunkel: 現在都拆精魄的好唄 04/19 10:22
shuten: 5晶魄 04/19 10:27
lats: 5精魄跟50魂要選哪個? 04/19 10:27
dennistao: 吳淑珍,,,,,幹 04/19 10:28
LeeJing: 火皇權 第五張 假黑金 04/19 10:43
win55135: …火機偶 +1 04/19 10:57
irvinewang: 木印度 垃圾一個 04/19 11:02
gameking: 拿到藍斯洛特 朋友拿到武則天 覺得普通 04/19 11:06
flyskb: 鑽石 04/19 11:17
lcdkey: 稻荷 04/19 11:19
master99: 補到蒼壁 04/19 11:47
linbaba0943: 光肥宅又來了 04/19 11:50
careone: 不知道第幾張木巫= = 04/19 12:41
q87200304: 不是皓月嗎 04/19 13:48

改了 ※ 編輯: maxliao ( 臺灣), 04/19/2021 13:57:47

edshen: 木巫很棒啊 很多精魄 04/19 13:58
kmes504007: 木天使不錯 04/19 14:04
wscjoe: 水巴 90精魄 還ok 04/19 14:19
aki1987: 居然拿到時空的寫作,好意外 04/19 14:35
lu3yao: 第四張夏娃 重複還是香 04/19 15:18
tomoti: 水北 04/19 15:38
RD: 光源龍 04/19 16:41
wahaha2005: 給我變成精魄吧…5粒幹 04/19 17:35
Eric89123: 牛頓 04/19 18:48
raxtm: 居然有時空之門,看來果然還是丟自家的化糞池了! 04/19 20:21
lnnine: 第四張貝西摩爾 04/19 22:58
hcs9158: 我也拿到時空的火女,不知是那隻,晚點再確認看看 04/20 02:49
mimi4me: 姜..子..牙 04/20 12:49
maochih: 洛基!雖然沒用,但終於補洞~~~~~~~~開心 04/20 15:49