[閒聊] Wunder 推特

https://twitter.com/wunderlol/status/1574950859250622464We have been playing on between 30-100 fps in every game ever since wearrived in Mexico and RIOT is not resolving the issue so at this point wedidn't have any efficient practice and playing on stage will be the only timewe can have a human setup

╰(⊙Д⊙)╮佛心公司╭(⊙Д⊙)╯佛心公司 今天剛好是19.8版本 第14天簽到 大家抽到啥麼 分享一下吧== — Snow flakes in January Heart warm like February, I wouldn't ordinarily March to the drum, play a fool like April May the best sing in a June recital Power of the will, Julius and Augustus Aw you know, it's just us In a new semester, back in September boy, I wonder if you still remember –Nujabes feat. Shing02 – Luv(sic) Part 4※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ToS/M.1618157167.A.672.html

biggest1983: 聞仲… 04/12 00:28
lupus3310: 木印度 好爽 04/12 00:37
pippen2002: 金牛2 04/12 00:40
bestrick: 光北域遺族 到底是三小 04/12 00:42
lu3yao: 跟樓上一樣光北遺 第N張… 04/12 00:46
amazega: 第n個木巫 04/12 00:53
ndhuwei: https://i.imgur.com/fwfoncN.jpg 04/12 01:26

ndhuwei: 送我光希,但分解有90精魄? 04/12 01:27
lcdkey: 楊玉環 感覺不錯 04/12 01:59
shenmue1001: 火不死… 04/12 02:06
wiwi90135: 藍采和 04/12 02:16
ap909278410: 木北 04/12 03:26
lchyde666: 蒼壁2號 04/12 03:27
timmy00120: 高文…… 04/12 04:12
Meteorite999: 天火賢者 04/12 05:39
anmemo: 英格麗 04/12 06:42
xrade0731: 羨慕樓上抽到木印度的 我都考慮巴哈自選要選她了 04/12 07:04
hipnos: 宇宙系列光小獎… 感覺拿到90精魄超賺的 04/12 07:10
kccintcc05: 露娜,終於QQ 04/12 07:40
KunioFAN: 火酒=5精魄 04/12 07:48
hsinhc: 武則天,第四張…. 04/12 08:00
ck6a83: 拉 04/12 08:13
ck6a83: 90精魄 賺爛了賺爛了 04/12 08:13
blaze0204: 連兩週居禮夫人 04/12 08:17
heregw: 熊熊 04/12 08:44
RD: 蒼蠅,時代的眼淚 04/12 08:48
fup6jo3d93p: 祖母綠 寶石終於齊了 04/12 08:52
goldstorm: 獅子座.. 04/12 09:05
linbaba0943: 上次水酒,這次水酒 04/12 09:09
ask77887788: 第N張燃燈 04/12 09:23
fc12170828: 重複的英格麗 04/12 09:38
sky1314193: 銅丸…40精魄 04/12 10:08
careone: 難得補洞,中了陸遜 04/12 10:40
gameking: ………….牛頓…… 04/12 10:42
james5210333: 優格 40精魄 不錯 04/12 10:43
BauRR: 補了沒有的諾索斯,讚 04/12 10:56
somesome: 樓上也太爽 04/12 11:43
xiahself: 翡翠 做成精魄了 04/12 12:30
eric280: 義經武器 直接變精魄 04/12 12:51
tomoti: 愛迪生,補科研最後一個洞,可以… 04/12 13:05
motor85420: 槍哥 很爛 04/12 13:22
SnowPhage: 神卡妮可 04/12 15:44
Cchangpun: 寫作之神.. 04/12 20:28