[閒聊] Wunder 推特

https://twitter.com/wunderlol/status/1574950859250622464We have been playing on between 30-100 fps in every game ever since wearrived in Mexico and RIOT is not resolving the issue so at this point wedidn't have any efficient practice and playing on stage will be the only timewe can have a human setup

小弟剛回歸 想要家賴群找人一起玩 地區主要是嘉義 請問有群組收人嗎 —– Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_Z01RD. — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PokemonGO/M.1612515207.A.39D.html

AllenSue: 麻煩大大充實內文到50個中文字唷感恩~ 02/05 17:17
HsuTW: 對對戰有興趣嗎? 02/05 17:25
weiZoo: 有對團體戰有興趣的賴嗎?想加入 02/05 17:35
HsuTW: 有遠距TG群,樓上有興趣嗎? 02/05 18:47
AllenSue: 本文限24小時內補滿字數~~即刻算起@[email protected]/ 02/05 22:05
laiahuei: 去嘉義公園有很多阿伯都有Line,去搭訕就好! 02/06 22:01