TWICE Alcohol-Free Stage Mix cr.KBS Kpop — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
[影音] 210624 KBS Music Bank Stage Mix
跟以前差不多 大致用去年文章跟資料修改 歡迎多多分享給ONCE 朋友們 或轉貼在TWICE社群 請先前製作業 遵守TC官方規則 訂閱TC Candler的YOUTUBE頻道也給影片讚 追蹤TC的IG 追蹤TC的FB並點讚 跟隨TC的Twitter 如果有新增 變更跟其他特別活動 我會更新在本文 2021 Nominations Video – Beautiful Faces
請分享這影片到TWICE相關社群 目前Momo先被提名 還沒入圍的孩子 請多多幫忙提名 其他孩子們被提名後 我會更新 整理於本文 孩子們的圖片 影片以近期 今年的為佳 也請記得IG點愛心分享 FB分享點大心 Twitter點愛心轉傳 IG留言可點愛心 IG FB Twitter推薦提名 建議留言於最新被提名的人選頁面 比較容易被官方看見 FB投票留言 套用貼上後請滑鼠游標停在最後@TC Candler的r之後 然後按一下空格鍵 點選TC官方FB 讓@TC Candler變成藍色連結 確認有變成藍色官方連結再送出留言 投票留言沒有成功變成官方連結 可能就不計票 可以回覆附美圖 動圖或極短影片投票 或推薦提名 今年Twittr有個人投票頁面 可以跟FB一樣回覆附美圖 動圖或極短影片投票或推薦提名 IG FB Twitter跟YOUTUBE看到其他ONCE的投票也請幫忙支援 也歡迎在投票留言後 用英文加入自己對孩子的描述 心得 感情 越用心越真摯越好 當然都是用TC官方標準語言英文 排名公佈影片日期美國TC官方時間 12月27號((台灣時間12月28日) —————————————————————————- Momo今年團內第一個被提名 一樣以提名先後順序排列^ _ ^ Momo IG FB Twitter ============================================================================== 投票套用 想快速投票複製貼上就好 IG:頁面請點愛心 也分享到FB Twitter Messenger等社群 留言後也請點愛心 Momo I vote #HiraiMomo of @twicetagram from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 @tccandler —————————————————————————— FB:請點大心 還有分享 留言請附美圖 動圖或極短影片 Momo I vote #HiraiMomo of #JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler —————————————————————————— Twitter:請點愛心跟轉推 留言請附美圖 動圖或極短影片 之後再點愛心跟轉推 Momo I vote #HiraiMomo of @JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler ============================================================================== 提名快速套用 IG:留言後請點愛心 娜璉 I nonimate #ImNayeon of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 @tccandler 定延 I nonimate #YooJeongyeon of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 @tccandler Sana I nonimate #MinatozakiSana of @twicetagram from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 @tccandler 志效 I nonimate #ParkJihyo of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 @tccandler Mina I nonimate #MyouiMina of @twicetagram from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 @tccandler 多賢 I nonimate #KimDahyun of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 @tccandler 彩瑛 I nonimate #SonChaeyoung of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 @tccandler 子瑜 I nonimate #ChouTzuyu of @twicetagram from #Taiwan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 @tccandler —————————————————————————— FB:留言請附美圖 動圖或極短影片 留言後請點大心 娜璉 I nonimate #ImNayeon of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler 定延 I nonimate #YooJeongyeon of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler Momo I nonimate #HiraiMomo of #JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler Sana I nonimate #MinatozakiSana of #JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler 志效 I nonimate #ParkJihyo of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler Mina I nonimate #MyouiMina of #JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler 多賢 I vote #KimDahyun of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler 彩瑛 I nonimate #SonChaeyoung of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler 子瑜 I nonimate #ChouTzuyu of #JYPETWICE from #Taiwan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TC Candler —————————————————————————— Twitter:留言請附美圖 動圖或極短影片 之後再點愛心跟轉推 娜璉 I nonimate #ImNayeon of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 定延 I nonimate #YooJeongyeon of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler Sana I nonimate #MinatozakiSana of @JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 志效 I nonimate #ParkJihyo of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler Mina I nonimate #MyouiMina of @JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 多賢 I nonimate #KimDahyun of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 彩瑛 I nonimate #SonChaeyoung of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 子瑜 I nonimate #ChouTzuyu of @JYPETWICE from #Taiwan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler —————————————————————————— YOUTUBE的影片 單人跟多人留言提名 娜璉 I nonimate #ImNayeon of #TWICEonAir from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 定延 I nonimate #YooJeongyeon of #TWICEonAir from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler Sana I nonimate #MinatozakiSana of #TWICEonAir from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 志效 I nonimate #ParkJihyo of #TWICEonAir from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler Mina I nonimate #MyouiMina of #TWICEonAir from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 多賢 I nonimate #KimDahyun of #TWICEonAir from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 彩瑛 I nonimate #SonChaeyoung of #TWICEonAir from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 子瑜 I nonimate #Chou Tzuyu of #TWICEonAir from #Taiwan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 韓國Line I nominate Im Nayeon from South Korea, Yoo Jeongyeon from South Korea, Park Jihyo from South Korea, Kim Dahyun from South Korea and Son Chaeyoung from South Korea of #TWICEonAir for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 日本Line I nominate Hirai Momo from Japan, Minatozaki Sana from Japan and Myoui Mina from Japan of #TWICEonAir for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler 全團 I nominate Im Nayeon from South Korea, Yoo Jeongyeon from South Korea, Hirai Momo from Japan, Minatozaki Sana from Japan, Park Jihyo from South Korea, Myoui Mina from Japan, Kim Dahyun from South Korea, Son Chaeyoung from SouthKorea and Chou Tzuyu from Taiwan of #TWICEonAir for #tccandler #independentcri #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2021 #TCCandler @TCCandler ============================================================================== 一邊投一邊看 貼美圖 動圖 極短影片想念孩子們 也分享給不知道的ONCE 請ONCE同好們 有空有興趣一起多多幫忙 麻煩大家有空有興趣多多提名 投票給孩子們 讓更多人們成為ONCE 也凝聚ONCE的向心力 多謝感恩大家^ _ ^ ============================================================================== TWICE "I CAN'T STOP ME" M/V
TWICE「Kura Kura」 Music Video
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