[情報] 2022 第59屆金馬獎 入圍名單&入圍統計


Neve Campbell Won’t Be Back For ‘Scream 6’

By Anthony D'Alessandro
June 6, 2022 10:05am

We’ve officially heard that Neve Campbell won’t be reprising her role as
Sidney Prescott in Paramount/Spyglass Media’s Scream 6.

Word began to leak on the convention circuit with Campbell, and she says
today, “Sadly I won’t be making the next Scream film.”

“As a woman I have had to work extremely hard in my career to establish my
value, especially when it comes to Scream,” the actress says about her turn
in the $744M-plus grossing global franchise, “I felt the offer that was
presented to me did not equate to the value I have brought to the franchise.”

“It’s been a very difficult decision to move on. To all my Scream fans, I
love you. You’ve always been so incredibly supportive to me. I’m forever
grateful to you and to what this franchise has given me over the past 25
years,” adds Campbell.

身為《驚聲尖叫》系列固定女主角的 Neve Campbell,今突然發表聲明,

Neve Campbell 在聲明中說道:







※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1654579047.A.C93.html
※ 編輯: kenny1300175 ( 臺灣), 06/07/2022 13:18:12

nuturewind : 她年紀也有了啦,換個人來演可以啦 06/07 13:18
likeaprayer : 這下麻煩了 原本都預定要開拍了 06/07 13:18
nuturewind : 她的戲撇開驚聲尖叫系列,我反而最喜歡是野東西,小 06/07 13:20
nuturewind : 成本但劇情超特別的黑色驚悚 06/07 13:20
nuturewind : 野東西應該算是90年代一個蠻特別的電影吧,劇本翻轉 06/07 13:21
nuturewind : 很棒 06/07 13:21
holyseraph : 女主角不演的原因是片酬喬不攏 06/07 13:21
KKSlider : 沒有他還能拍得好就神了 06/07 13:22
likeaprayer : 野東西後來拍了一堆續集 反轉再反轉玩到沒意思 06/07 13:22
greenishch : 不過這個角色也確實陷入尷尬的狀況 寫死會讓戲迷抗 06/07 13:26
greenishch : 議 但一直主角威能大難不死又缺乏驚喜感 06/07 13:26
darkbrigher : 48了 大概片商不想出太多錢請她吧 06/07 13:31
sunsirr : 好可惜她很棒耶 06/07 13:32
phix : 女主夠正身材夠好就好了吧 找新生代的啊 06/07 13:33
hellodio : 沒演的話大概第六集就賜死了 06/07 13:33