[分享] 今日江辰晏

江辰晏 #16 ┌──┬───┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬──┬──┬──┐ │ IP │ NP │H│HR│BB│SO│R│ ERA│WHIP│ MAX│ ├──┼───┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼──┼──┼──┤ │ 6.0│ 82-56│5│0│0│3│2│3.71│1.34│ 144│


The Twins' offseason will include some substantial and noticeable changes, and n
ot just to a roster that fell well short of its goal of winning the AL Central.
The ballpark, the team's logos and the winter calendar will be distinctly differ
ent in 2023 — starting with the clothing on the players' back.



The uniforms, which are complete but won't be revealed until after the season en
ds, are just the most obvious aspect of a general rebranding of the 62-year-old
franchise, St. Peter said, one that will include "tweaks or in some cases, more
than that" to the team's brand identification: the lettering, the logos, the loo
k of the team. The colors won't change — "This franchise has embraced the base
colors of red, white and blue since 1901," when it was the Washington Senators,
St. Peter pointed out — but he believes a new look is well-timed.


New scoreboards
While at TwinsFest, fans will notice a few big changes at Target Field. There wi
ll be cranes on the field from November to early March, installing new scoreboar
ds, including a huge video board in left field that is 76 % larger than the curr
ent one. The $30 million project, with costs shared by the Twins and the Minneso
ta Ballpark Authority, will upgrade and in most cases expand every video board i
n the ballpark, with some new video hardware added.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1664329202.A.2B1.html

harrishu: 改了看能不能對洋基有一點招架之力 09/28 09:51
mostoast: 改成跟韓職一樣 09/28 10:11
jan58912: 人家計分板跟電視牆可以抵我們整座球場了 09/28 11:07
JDMartinez: 真的該改運了 09/28 11:29
tgmrvmle: 改一改看能不能治好恐基症 09/28 12:08