[閒聊] Wunder 推特

https://twitter.com/wunderlol/status/1574950859250622464We have been playing on between 30-100 fps in every game ever since wearrived in Mexico and RIOT is not resolving the issue so at this point wedidn't have any efficient practice and playing on stage will be the only timewe can have a human setup

十萬個為神魔:右上 黑鐵時代 https://i.imgur.com/DmGFzha.jpg

答對獎勵:體力藥水1支 答錯獎勵:黑魂1隻 https://i.imgur.com/JGmGcrX.jpg

情報來源網址:遊戲內 https://i.imgur.com/lOG2CLA.jpg

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ToS/M.1610381141.A.69C.html ※ 編輯: ndhuwei ( 臺灣), 01/12/2021 00:07:10

awerte: 推 01/12 00:08
butz85: 感謝 01/12 00:21
ethan14152: 剛好缺體力藥水刷黑魂 感謝 01/12 00:28
lhlun: 推 01/12 00:48
yodd: 西磨不算在黑鐵? 01/12 00:50
pili30155: 感謝 01/12 01:29
james5210333: 剛好缺黑魂 感謝 01/12 01:49
urzas: 推 01/12 07:18
kidd085: 剛好缺黑魂感謝 01/12 08:13
bingreen: 感謝大大 01/12 08:24
LoserLee: 感謝 01/12 09:26
bigroach: 樓上開放缺黑魂 01/12 14:10