Re: [情報] 免費參加ic設計培訓課程(還可拿獎勵金)

1. 所有錄訓學員均已通知完畢。(如有遺漏請再來信確認) 為確保聯繫順暢,助教有建立訓練課程的line群組。 2. 仍有想要報名的學員,在本週六前仍可報名。 3. 有住宿需求的同學,學校可從週日開始住宿。 4. 有停車需求同學,校內可停車(收費),校外有免費停車位。通勤可搭捷運或泛航。

[公司名稱] Micron Semiconductor Asia [公司網址] [公司地址] 新加坡- 美光記憶體後端封測廠 [職務說明] Non-Volatile Engineering (NVE) Managed NAND Senior Product Engineer at Micron Technology, Inc., you will work with a team of brilliant engineers to solve complex problems. You are responsible to enable the New Product Introduction by closely working with the cross functional teams such as 3D NAND device, ASIC and FW teams and assist Qualification and Ramping of cutting edge 3D NAND embedded products. Please refer to Micron Job for more detail: [工作待遇] SGD 5000~8000/month + ESPP + RSU + Bouns Around SGD 70000~120000/year [應徵方式] Please apply on Micron Job website Micron internal JOP please use PTT mail [聯繫方式] PTT 站內信 – Treat it as 2nd solution, please apply job by Micron website first [備註] 1. Two to Three pages english CV should be enough, no need to much personal detail and autobiography 2. Please drop me a PTT mail once you applied. — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (新加坡) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: dennisuno ( 新加坡), 01/12/2021 23:39:03

ggggggh: normal pay 01/13 09:03
dakkk: 可以移民嗎? 01/13 09:55
jp956956: Google pay 01/13 09:58
nctudaniel: Line Pay 01/13 10:13
basterds: 全聯pay 01/13 10:17
feel159357: apple pay 01/13 11:47
jobintan: Ali Pay 01/13 12:32
jouen: Garmin pay 01/13 13:04
cssc: 3 tree pay 01/13 13:23
henryyeh5566: Error pay 01/13 15:35
henryyeh5566: Err 01/13 15:35
badalghost: 管你是那一類甲蟲我pay 我pay 都pay 都Play 01/13 17:43
LaFrante: 推~我也在新加坡美光,工作環境相對好蠻多~ 01/13 19:07
dennisuno: 薪資取決於經驗 也有可能比12萬新高 當然跟股價也有關 01/13 20:21
dennisuno: 工作滿半年就可以申請PR,不過一般來說超過兩年年資比較 01/13 20:23
dennisuno: 有機會可以拿到 拿到PR後3年可以轉公民 新加坡不承認雙 01/13 20:23
dennisuno: 重國際 01/13 20:23
dennisuno: 01/13 22:30