[分享] 今日江辰晏

江辰晏 #16 ┌──┬───┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬──┬──┬──┐ │ IP │ NP │H│HR│BB│SO│R│ ERA│WHIP│ MAX│ ├──┼───┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼──┼──┼──┤ │ 6.0│ 82-56│5│0│0│3│2│3.71│1.34│ 144│



Former NBA guard Iman Shumpert has an appreciation for the Golden State
Warriors now that he isn't battling them in the Finals.
Shumpert faced the Warriors in the Finals for four straight seasons, from
2015-2018, as a member of the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Speaking on the "Bootleg Kev Podcast," Shumpert said he hated the Warriors
during those battles, but loves them now.
"I ain't like them," Shumpert said when asked about how the Cavs felt about
the Warriors.
"I'm a huge fan of all of them now. It's crazy."

Shumpert在Bootleg Kev Podcast談到勇士:

"You just keep seeing them," Shumpert said of how the animosity built between
the two teams over four years.
Shumpert said that while he hated Draymond Green during heated Finals
moments, he always appreciated what Green brought to the game.
"Even down to Draymond. We had this thing, like you hate to play against
Draymond, but it's really hard not to like dude," Shumpert said. He added
that Green does not enter games wanting to make friends and wants to "go to
"To me, he's helping basketball," Shumpert said, adding that Green is the
type of player he would love if they were teammates.


Shumpert also shared his appreciation for Klay Thompson, who he said plays
physically and never complains to refs.
"Klay Thompson does not complain to refs," Shumpert said.
"He's not going to do the 'Ah, ref, look at him!' Man, you grab Klay Thompson
and you hold him, that man gonna chop your wrist down so fast. I was like,
bro, I love this light-skinned brother! This dude don't care, man. He willing
to fight me! That's how I felt about Klay Thompson. He is willing to fight me
just to get off this screen. He doesn't care. He looked right at the ref and
pushed me in my throat … They called an offensive foul and he just ran back
down the court like he don't give a f–k. I'm like I love these dudes."


Later in the podcast, Shumpert also praised Stephen Curry, noting that Curry
became an MVP and game-changing player after some people had previously
doubted him because of a recurring ankle injury.


He noted that Curry became an MVP while playing on a $44 million contract –
a relatively low figure for the game's best players and a sign of how Curry
was viewed around the NBA.
Speaking on his feelings during those Finals series, Shumpert said, "I love
these dudes, I just hate them – for now."


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1640240134.A.649.html
※ 編輯: KeMBaWallKer ( 臺灣), 12/23/2021 14:19:06

pneumo : 他最近消息很多XDDDDD 12/23 14:16
camby909 : 是不是想上車,雖然去跳舞了,但應該還能打 12/23 14:18


demon77885 : K湯那段描述好笑XDD12/23 14:18
kerogunpla : 就同一個節目的內容分開發 也不是消息很多12/23 14:18
md3q6e : 都是同一個採訪 只是可以分出來討論(互戰) 12/23 14:18
md3q6e : 的東西有夠多XD 12/23 14:18
freaky791011: 體力練一下 上來防守個10分鐘應該還行12/23 14:20

※ 編輯: KeMBaWallKer ( 臺灣), 12/23/2021 14:21:02

lavarslaker : 小心追殺 12/23 14:20
r333429 : 不會跟裁判抱怨是不在偷臭 12/23 14:21
Erishcross : 這位朋友很懂流量密碼 一下詹一下勇的 12/23 14:21
ljk476820 : 蠢酸又在引戰 唉 12/23 14:21
k5545332 : 是上幾次節目,一次剪完發一發好嗎= = 12/23 14:22
ljk476820 : 當然不是說Shumpert:) 12/23 14:22
betrace : 他應該還能打,看要不要而已 12/23 14:22
lp123gbaj : 我看以後一個訪談可以拆個十篇來洗版好了 12/23 14:23
lp123gbaj : P幣賺爛 12/23 14:23
PanaS0Nic : 裁判那段在臭誰? 12/23 14:24
NanaoNaru : 防守裁判最霸氣了,你不懂 12/23 14:26
elvita : K湯那段 是在酸哪個愛抱怨吹判的男人嗎 12/23 14:26
orange7986 : 舞王保重 12/23 14:27
st890284 : 是不是在偷嘴攤手觀音 12/23 14:28
st890284 : https://i.imgur.com/FJbDvhW.jpg 12/23 14:28
RicFlair : 現在是在偷酸誰 提醒你 你已經在追殺名單上了喔 12/23 14:28
simon5030 : 跟前面幾篇一起看 擺明暗酸腿詹 怎麽前隊友這麼討 12/23 14:29
simon5030 : 厭他 12/23 14:29
elvita : 攤手觀音笑死 12/23 14:29
c84627 : 攤手觀音那P圖超哭的XDDD 12/23 14:34
WIGGINS22 : 笑死 觀音姆斯 12/23 14:35
hyperfrog : 攤手觀音笑死 12/23 14:35
klj5462 : 香波改邪歸正了給個讚 12/23 14:36
asdfzx : 原來是會長啊 百式觀音 12/23 14:37
KayFelder : 奇異姆士好帥 12/23 14:39
verame : 滿了 12/23 14:39
crownschou : 確實是來打仗的 12/23 14:40
ksk0516 : 老勇迷 12/23 14:41
kojacky : 攤手觀音好好笑 12/23 14:41
basterds : 攤手觀音 厲害了 12/23 14:41
linus : 攤手觀音的圖也太好笑了吧……XD 12/23 14:42
malain : 攤手觀音XDDDDDD 12/23 14:43
XXXaBg : 笑死 LBJ真的每次被吹都在攤手 12/23 14:43
o0991758566 : 攤手觀音 爆笑 12/23 14:47
md3q6e : 攤手觀音XD 12/23 14:48
liusim : K湯那段描述好好笑 12/23 14:50
liusim : 直接把你推開 被判進犯 然後頭也不回的回場….. 12/23 14:51
malain : K湯那段就很符合他會作的事情,跟咖喱那種野小會想 12/23 14:52
malain : 跟你弄到底的相反 12/23 14:52
chinhan1216 : 淺膚色兄弟 12/23 14:53
Kidd0502 : 最近很誠實欸 12/23 14:53
coox : 攤手觀音笑死 12/23 14:54
damorewt : 觀音姆斯XD 12/23 14:55
tailsean : 攤手觀音快笑死 12/23 14:56
your1225 : 21樓千手姆斯 笑死XDDD 12/23 14:57
asd860079 : 靠北喔 怎麼有攤手觀音啦 12/23 14:59
lavarslaker : 攤手觀音XDDD 12/23 14:59
egglfish : 這張圖我喜歡Xd 12/23 15:04
WLR : 圖XD 12/23 15:06
saTUnotSATO : 南無大慈大悲救苦救難廣大靈感轉隊觀世音菩薩 12/23 15:08
seven541 : 攤手觀音圖XD 12/23 15:09
qoqocat : 不是很會吹詹牧師感化隊友麻,怎麼隊友一直在臭 12/23 15:16
jason862i : 攤手觀音XDDD 12/23 15:16
whhw : 笑死 12/23 15:16
qoqocat : 推攤手姆斯XD 12/23 15:16
NanaoNaru : 觀音式防守伺候 裁判每個都怕爆 12/23 15:20
ghostxx : 攤手觀音充滿了聖光啊 12/23 15:23
kaiyoung : 香波最近很嗆是吧 12/23 15:23
ElliotMa : 攤手觀音笑死XDDDD 12/23 15:27
kevinacc084 : 攤手姆斯XDDDD 12/23 15:31
crusoe : 千手千眼觀裁判母獅圖 12/23 15:31
ppo7741 : 笑死這圖誰改的啦 12/23 15:37
yukimura0420: 推攤手觀音圖XDDDDD 12/23 15:40
a8856554 : 推攤手觀音XDDDD 12/23 15:45
babyMclaren : 抓到了 12/23 15:49
wayne4225 : 很喜歡老詹 但看到圖還是笑了XD 12/23 15:50
CLawrence : 靠北 誰改的 有夠鬧 12/23 15:52
bakedgrass : 攤手觀音我也笑了XD 12/23 16:03
ohsho62 : 覺得攤手觀音有點強耶 12/23 16:03
bakedgrass : 不過偷改球衣就不必了,論loser還倫不到老詹 12/23 16:04
deadair : 攤手觀音XDDD你好壞 12/23 16:06
cloudyst : 10天約來救場一下 12/23 16:12
cloudyst : 觀音新面,攤手XD 12/23 16:15
chh1470 : 攤手觀音笑死 12/23 16:22
bluemei : 圖…..我笑到不行 12/23 16:23
s29961091 : 這圖也太好笑 12/23 16:25
Vincent233 : 笑爆 攤手觀音 12/23 16:28
saiallblue : XDDDD 12/23 16:32
hh123yaya : 攤手觀音是在哭喔XDDDDDD 笑死 12/23 16:34
KThompson : 攤手觀音真的笑死,後場不回防之神 12/23 16:34
r333429 : 攤手觀音拿鐵XDDDDD 12/23 16:38
rukawa28 : 笑死,你要被追殺了 12/23 16:48
AesirKing : 攤手觀音笑死 12/23 16:50
malain : 貼圖那位等新版主上任你就知道了啊,建議現在先自 12/23 16:56
malain : 請加重處分 12/23 16:56
mozo : 厲害了 裁判最怕的防守招式 12/23 16:58
letwind : 這圖改得很可以XD 12/23 17:01
JerrySloan : 有沒有人要改成動圖 12/23 17:04
thibw13ug1 : 姆斯圖笑死 12/23 17:08
ahinetn123 : 抱怨之攤手觀音 XDDD 12/23 17:17
RadioMan : 幹 這張攤手觀音實在太屌了 存起來!! 12/23 17:31
tailsean : 其實他的攤手也算是招牌動作了 12/23 17:39
killuaz : 尼特羅會長XD 12/23 17:40
rini : KT還真的是這樣 12/23 17:40
Kidd0502 : 想不到他的動作多到可以做一張圖了XD 12/23 17:41
fishinthesky: 攤手觀音XDDD 12/23 17:43
guccix : 笑死 12/23 17:54
Snowman : 南無大慈大悲散步轉隊攤手觀音 12/23 17:58
pfw : 原來不是山羊是觀音啊XD 12/23 18:09
dream6789 : 攤手觀音XDDDDD 12/23 18:19
bravo : 喇叭打球不好看 12/23 18:24