新買的薄荷糖因為小鐵盒買的 桃子真可愛 午安 壞心情退散~ 哈
[問安] 水蜜桃口味
晚安 水龍頭壞很久了 它時好時壞實在是不知道該怎麼辦才好
— 愈來愈焦慮 — Look at the stars, look how they shine for you And everything that you do, yeh they were all YELLOW I came along, i wrote a song for you and all the things you do, and it was called YELLOW And so i took my turn, oh what a thing to have done, And it was all YELLOW. — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
→ YellowC: 可惡我失敗了02/09 22:58
※ 編輯: YellowC ( 臺灣), 02/09/2021 22:59:55
推 cactus99: 被插2個惹QQ 02/09 23:00
→ cactus99: 伍佰老師推~~~~ 02/09 23:00
→ YellowC: 難過QQ 02/09 23:00
推 ccake: 嘖嘖~可惜 02/09 23:00
推 dreamcomes: 為什麼要玩水龍頭! 02/09 23:01
→ YellowC: 伍佰老師我一生推 02/09 23:01
→ YellowC: 它壞惹 02/09 23:01
推 somethingwro: 我已經修好了(握拳 02/09 23:01
→ YellowC: 我的壞了QQ 02/09 23:02
推 akane2005: 我幫妳修 02/09 23:02
推 kenneth74715: 他是說他像水龍頭一樣壞了 02/09 23:03
→ YellowC: 好想看櫻花可北部好遠☹ 02/09 23:03
推 somethingwro: 可以跟我助理約時間 02/09 23:03
推 tony31635: 樓下水電工幫忙修 02/09 23:05
→ stitch8248: 黃C沒事這個可以解決的~☺ 02/09 23:05
推 ryo923: 推,屏東霧台的櫻花王 02/09 23:06
推 lsp1201: 修啊… 02/09 23:13
推 avmylove: 敲爆它的頭 02/09 23:17
推 howshaw: 我喜歡這首~ 02/09 23:18