Adrian Wojnarowski@wojespnToronto's Scottie Barnes and Precious Achiuwa have entered the league's Covidprotocols, sources tell ESPN.Scottie Barnes和Precious Achiuwa進入健康安全協議
[情報] Adam Silver: 目前沒有停賽的計畫。
消息來源:內容:Commissioner Adam Silver joined NBA Today to talk about COVID in the league as Christmas Day approaches.聖誕節將近,聯盟主席Adam Silver 在NBA Today [節目]上 發表了關於COVID 在聯盟中[擴散]的聲明。Silver said there are currently no plans to pause the season.Silver 表示 [聯盟]目前沒有停賽的計畫。
[情報] 獨行俠簽Charlie Brown
The Mavericks are signing guard Charlie Brown of NBA G League Delaware to a10-day hardship deal, sources tell @[email protected]://推特: 獨行俠跟後衛 Charlie Brown簽下十天合約–
[Live] 拓荒者 @ 鵜鶘
NBA Regular Season 2021-22Portland Trail Blazers vs New Orleans Pelicans比賽將於稍後 09:00 開始。先發位置、名單:拓荒者隊
[外絮] Iman Shumpert解釋為何LeBron經常假摔
LeBron James’ ex-Cavs teammate reveals real reason as to why Lakers star flops all the timeby Paolo SongcoDecember 21, 2021One can make a case about LeBron James being the greatest player of all time.
[情報] 上週收視整理(12/13-12/19)
[BOX ] Pacers 96:125 Heat 數據
███◣ ███◣ ███◣ ███◣ ███◣ ███◣████ ████ ████ ████ ████ ██████▆█ ██▆█ ██ ██▆▆ ██▆█ ██▆▆◥█ ◥█ █ ◥███ ◥█▆▆ ◥█◥◣ ◥▆▆█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▁▁
[外絮] Iman Shumpert說LBJ知道他毀了籃球
來源: Spun網址: Shumpert: LeBron James “Knows He Ruined Basketball”Iman Shumpert說:LBJ知道他"毀了籃球'During a recent appearance on the “Bootleg Kev” podcast, former Cavs guard
[BOX ] Pistons 91:105 Knicks 數據
███◣ ██◣ ███◣ ███◣ ███◣ █◣◥◣ ███◣████ ◥██ ████ ◥███ ████ ██◣█ ██████▆█ ◣ █ ██▆▆ ██ ██◣█ ████ ██▆▆◥█ ◥██ ◥▆▆█ ◥█ ◥███ ◥█◥█ ◥▆▆█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▁▁
[新聞] 名人堂公佈最新入圍者 吉諾布里與光頭裁判首獲提名
名人堂公佈最新入圍者 吉諾布里與光頭裁判首獲提名 記者陳元廷/綜合外電報導籃球名人堂今天(22號)公佈2022年梯提名者,其中年資首度符合資格的包括退役馬刺傳奇吉諾布里(Manu Ginobili),還有球員時代以得分見長的前鋒錢伯斯(Tom Chambers)等人。